A Life that is loved: Living in Mallorca
living in mallorca.
Over the last two and a half years I have had the pleasure to meet some fantastic and extremely inspiring communities of women on this island, they have helped me to grow both as a business woman and as an individual. The writer of this article, Rosie Foot, who I had the pleasure to live with, had the courage to leave her secure job to pursue her passion for writing. She embarked on a career as a journalist and is now writing for lifestyle editor Helen Cummins' new vision; Slow, Luxury Living Magazine which explores the luxury lifestyles of Mallorca. Rosie kindly asked me if I would be interested in taking some time to talk about 'what I wished people would have told me before moving to Mallorca' and below is the article she wrote. I would encourage anyone to follow their dreams and pursue a life that makes them happy.
Article written by Rosie Foot.
Photo by Sara Savage.
I've lived in different countries all over the world but I never thought I would feel so empowered here, especially within the expat community. The people that I've met have inspired me to push my business, learn Spanish and make the most of what surrounds me. My confidence has grown and I think that is down to the strong community of women here. I've taken a lot from MyMuyBueno Women in Business meetings and I go regularly to the Girl Gone International meet-ups which are great. Since moving here I've never felt more settled, I still love travelling-and sometimes I do need to get away for a bit (especially out of Palma)-but I always come back! It's where I feel most comfortable.